Experience Emerge (ExEm)
Experience Emerge (ExEm) with musician-turned-mental health therapist, Matthew Knabe, MA, LPCC (cuh-nay-bee), uncovers the various ways people find rest and live free amidst the crazy challenges life brings. With a zoned-in focus, Matthew carefully probes into the broken places of people’s lives, bringing the listener into the experience all the while adding life tools and insights. ExEm is a conversational resource of emerge.org, a global faith-based counseling organization.
Experience Emerge (ExEm)
Gary Underwood, MDiv, DMin: What Is Church Hurt & What Is Not?
Gary Underwood, Emerge’s Director of Development & Ministry Partnerships, shares a glimpse into his life and experiences as a pastor. He and Matt Knabe engage in a discussion about church hurt and wounds, exploring the nuances of the term and the distinction between church discipline and church hurt.
Eye-Opening Moments PodcastEye-Opening Moments are stories of adversity, encounters, and perspectives. They are...
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- Email the show: experience@emerge.org
- Emerge.org
- facebook.com/EmergeCounselingMinistries
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