Experience Emerge (ExEm)
Experience Emerge (ExEm) with musician-turned-mental health therapist, Matthew Knabe, MA, LPCC (cuh-nay-bee), uncovers the various ways people find rest and live free amidst the crazy challenges life brings. With a zoned-in focus, Matthew carefully probes into the broken places of people’s lives, bringing the listener into the experience all the while adding life tools and insights. ExEm is a conversational resource of emerge.org, a global faith-based counseling organization.
Experience Emerge (ExEm)
Patrick Milloy, MS, LPCC-S: Good GRIEF, Is It Time For the Holidays?
With Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Patrick Milloy, we dive into the complex topic of grief and how to understand it better. The holiday season can be challenging for many people, and grief is often a significant factor. Today, we explore various aspects of grief and hope to provide insight into what people might be unaware of or even trying to avoid.
This episode is dedicated to Matthew's aunt, who passed away.
In loving memory • Brenda Popa • 1949–2023
Eye-Opening Moments are stories of adversity, encounters, and perspectives. They are...
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Contact Us:
- Email the show: experience@emerge.org
- Emerge.org
- facebook.com/EmergeCounselingMinistries
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