Experience Emerge (ExEm)
Experience Emerge (ExEm) with musician-turned-mental health therapist, Matthew Knabe, MA, LPCC (cuh-nay-bee), uncovers the various ways people find rest and live free amidst the crazy challenges life brings. With a zoned-in focus, Matthew carefully probes into the broken places of people’s lives, bringing the listener into the experience all the while adding life tools and insights. ExEm is a conversational resource of emerge.org, a global faith-based counseling organization.
Experience Emerge (ExEm)
Mental Health Minute: "Boring Self-Care"
This Mental Health Minute discusses self-care, which might sound boring but is imperative for our wellness and peace. Take some inventory of how you are caring for your mind, body, and soul and maybe make one change to help you thrive in your life.
Contact Us:
- Email the show: experience@emerge.org
- Emerge.org
- facebook.com/EmergeCounselingMinistries
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